Selected Papers published in
21. "The Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) immunity test problems in
the test and measurements of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)" |
Proceedings of the 70th China young scientist forums
on EMC, organized by China Association of Science and Technology,
PP.51-52, Beijing, China,2002 |
The problems of the
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) models and ESD current such as the correlation
of ESD failure level and the ESD voltage between different ESD simulators
makes the IEEE61000-4-2 not standards. In fact the main reason of this
problems comes from the electromagnetic field radiated from ESD simulators.
So, the relationship of the ESD current and the E-field and H-field is
another problems in the test. The relationship is very complicated because
the test and of the fast transient electromagnetic field is a problem. The
calibration of the antenna for the test of ESD field is also a problems.
With the development of the EMC, the investigation of the electromagnetic
field radiated from ESD and its effects on the high speed electronics will
become the important problems. |
"Possible effects of electromagnetic fields generated by electrostatic
discharge from the charged human body on computer operation" |
Physics, Vol.29, no.10,pp.620-622, 2000
Abstract: The electromagnetic
fields radiated by electrostatic discharge is analyzed using the bipolar
model. The transient electric and magnetic fields generated by electrostatic
discharge from the charged human body during the operation of computers are
measured by a very high sampling rate oscilloscope and custom-made wide band
electric field and magnetic field antennas. The spectrum of the fields is
analyzed by FFT. The influence of the field on high speed electronics is
studied. The results show that the electric fields can be several hundred
V/m and the magnetic fields can be several A/m even if the discharge voltage
is very low (2kV). The spectrum of the fields is very wide ranging from
several MHz to several GHz. The effects of the fields on high frequency
circuits show that some influences such as "latent effects" on integrated
circuits or devices, electromagnetic interference and even damage to the
circuits can be caused by the electromagnetic fields generated by
electrostatic discharge from the charged human body. |
23. "Electrostatics and Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)" |
Electrostatics, vol.12, no.1,pp.51-55, 1997 |
Abstract: Electrostatics is one of the
most classic sciences. People are paid more and more attentions to the
electrostatic discharge (ESD) and its protection methods in the modern
electronic industry. The review of the development of the electrostatics and
applied electrostatics are interested in the highly developed electronic
industry. The important role of the electrostatics in the development of
physics is shown. The development of the electrostatic phenomena and law in
the 16th and 17th century is discussed. |
24. "Computation And Experimentation On The Static Field Decay Of Textile" |
Journal of China Textile University, Vo.23,
no,4, pp.26-30, 1997 |
Abstract The electrostatic field decay
characteristic of textile is investigated by numerical computation and
experimentation. The results show that the Cross-Over phenomena of decay
curves of electric field for different initial field does not occur no
matter what relationship between the electric current and the electric
field. If the electric current is dependent upon both electric field at any
time and initial electric field, the Cross-Over phenomena will be take
place. The simulation results 2show that the Double-Cross-Over phenomena
will occur under some special field range for some materials. |
25. "Investigation of Electrostatic Properties for ion
implanted Polyvinyl Chloride" |
Microfabrication Technology, no.3, pp.60-65,
1997. EI Monthly No.: EIP97013499142, DIALOGO No.:04598164, CODEN: WJJIF7
Abstract: Special polyvinyl chlorides are
modified by different doses of 150 keV Ar+ ion beam and they surface
electrostatic properties are dramatically changed. Experiment results and
nearly nine years of tests and observations show that under the same
conditions the surface resistivity of this polymer is drops more than four
orders of magnitude, the half decay time is from several hours to a few
seconds when they are compared with the same no irradiated polymers. They
characteristics are stability. The irradiated polymers are of water wash
proof, can endure high temperature, are not affected by ambient humidity and
have permanent anti-static attributes when this technique is compared with
that of chemical method. |
26. "Electrostatics Resources on the Internet" |
Introduction about the academy activities, standards,
products, books and periodicals on the internet. |
8th China National Annual Conference on Applied
Electrostatics, Xi'an, Aug.1999, in A Research of Modern Electrostatic
Science and Technology, pp. 51-54 |
27. "The practical methods to protect the ESD explosive
problems in DaiQing Shooting Hole Bomb Factory" |
Journal of Ordnance Engineering College,
Vol.12 supp, pp.137-139, Aug.2000 |
28. "The test of the magnetic field radiated from the
electrostatic discharge (ESD)" |
Journal of Ordnance Engineering College,
Vol.12 supp, pp.260-262, Aug.2000 |
The radiated magnetic field from ESD is tested
by the wide band magnetic field sensor and high speed oscilloscope. The
spectrum of the field is analyzed. The magnetic field is very strong and the
spectrum is very wide up to sevral GHz. |
29. "The Analysis and Investigation of Human Body Model for
Electrostatic Discharge" |
Proceedings of 4th national electromagnetic compatibility
conference, pp.238-242, 1996 |
The human body model of electrostatic discharge
and its electrical parameters are analyzed. The measurement principle of
human body capacitance is discussed. A new test method of human body
electrostatic capacitance is proposed. The results show that in some
circumstance the human body resistance and the resistance from the body to
ground can influence the readings of conventional capacitance meter greatly
when using the meter to measure the human body capacitance. The human body
electrostatic discharge resistance is also discussed. |
30. "Investigation
of typical hazardous electromagnetic sources---electrostatic discharge
(ESD), high power microwaves (HPM) and the ultra wide band (UWB) intensity
electromagnetic radiation and their effects to the high speed electricity" |
Ph.D. Dissertation, Electrical Engineering Department of
China Electromechanical College, June, 1997 |