1997 EOS/ESD SymposiumSanta Clara, CA Table of Contents Session 1A: Compound Semiconductor ESD Issues Session Moderator: Karlheinz Bock, IMEC 1A.1 ESD Issues in Compound Semiconductor High-Frequency Devices and Circuits, K. Bock, IMEC, p1. 1A.2 Gate Burnout of Small Signal MODFETs at TLP Stress, V. Vashchenko, V. Sinkevitch, SRI Pulsar; J. Martynov, SRPC Istok, p13. 1A.3 Influence of the Device Geometry and lnhomogeneity on the Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity of InGaAs/InP Avalanche Photodetectors, H-C Neitzert, V. Cappa, R. Crovato, CSELT, p18. 1A.4 Novel Concept for High Level Overdrive Tolerance of GaAs Based FETs, K.-M. Lipka, P. Schmid, M. Birk, B. Splingart, E. Kohn, J. Schneider, H. Heinecke, University of Ulm; M. Demmler, P. Tasker, Fraunhofer lnstitut Freiburg, p27. Session 1B: Factory Issues and EOS/ESD Materials Technology Session Moderator: Donna Robinson-Hahn, Lucent Technologies 1B.1 Procedures for the Design, Analysis and Auditing of Static Control Flooring/Footwear Systems, L. Fromm, Hewlett Packard; W. Klein, K&S Laboratories; S. Fowler, Fowler Associates, p33 1B.2 Non-Particulate Static Dissipative Polymers Used in Wafer Handling Equipment, W. Tan, Advanced Micro Devices, p49. 1B.3 PAPER WITHDRAWN 1 B.4 General EOS/ESD Equation, J. Smith, Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center, p59. 1B.5 Analysis of ESD Glove Use, G. Baumgartner, Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space, p68. Sesion 2A: System Level ESD Issues Session Moderator: Masamitsu Honda, Impulse Physics Laboratory 2A.1 ESD Entrypoints: Coaxial Cables vs. Shielding Apertures, S.Van den Berghe, D. De Zutter, University of Ghent, p76. 2A.2 ESD Sources Pinpointed by Analysis of Radio Wave Emissions, J.Bernier, G. Croft, R. Lowther, Harris Semiconductor, p83. 2A.3 A Robust ESD Event Locator System With Event Characterization, D. Lin, L. DeChiaro, M-C. Jon, Lucent Technologies/Bell Laboratories, p88. 2A.4 An Analysis of the Fields on the Horizontal Coupling Plane in ESD Testing, S. Frei, Technical University of Berlin; D. Pommerenke, Hewlett Packard, p99. 2A.5 Fast Fourier Transform Analysis of Published ESD Waveforms and Narrowband Frequency Domain Measurement of Human ESD Events, T. Lo, P. Alexander, University of Windsor; S. Wong, PQT Systems, p107. 2A.6 About the Different Methods of Observing ESD, S. Frei, Technical University of Berlin; D. Pommerenke, Hewlett Packard, p117. 2A.7 Methodology to Simulate Speed of Approach in Electrostatic Discharge (ESD), W. Greason, University of Western Ontario, p125. 2A.8A Measurements of Body Impedance for ESD, Z. Wu, J. Huang, S. Liu, Institute of Applied Electrostatics, p132. 2A.8B Why the Human Body Capacitance is So Large, J. Huang, Z. Wu, S. Liu, Institute of Applied Electrostatics, p135. Session 2B: Factory and ESD Control Issues Session Moderator: Lou DeChiaro, Lucent Technologies 2B.1 Mitigating Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) in Solid C02 Pellet Cleaning of Printed Wiring Boards and Assemblies, M. Jon, P. Read, T. Welsher, Lucent Technologies Inc., Bell Laboratories; H. Nicholl, Lucent Technologies, Inc., p139. 2B.2 Mathematical Modeling of Electrostatic Propensity of Protective Clothing Systems, J. Gonzalez, S. Rizvi, E. Crown, P. Smy, University of Alberta, p153. 2B.3 Control of Static Charge on Personnel in an Electronics Working Area, A. Fujie, Kaijo Corporation; H. Uchida, A. Iwasaki, T. Numaguchi, Sumitomo, 3M/Ltd. p163. 2B.4 Grounding Personnel via the Floor/Footwear System, R. Gaertner, K. Helling, G. Biermann, E. Bradza, R. Haberhauer, W. Koehl, R. Mueller, W. Niggemeier, B. Soder, Siemens AG, p170. 2B.5 ESD Control and ISO 9000, J. Kolyer, C. Ramer, W. Williams, Boeing North American, Inc., p176. 2B.6 ESD Program Auditing: The Auditor's Perspective, T. Theis, W. McFarland, R. Brin, Lucent Technologies, p188. 2B.7 PAPER WITHDRAWN 2B.8 Comparison of Germanium and Silicon Needles as Emitter Electrodes for Air Ionizers, C. Noll, ITW Static Control and Air Products, SIMCO Static Control and Cleanroom Products; P. Lawless, Research Triangle Institute, Center for Engineering and Environmental Technology, p195. Session 3A: Design of ESD Protection Circuits Session Moderators: Jeremy C. Smith, Motorola, and Andy Walker, Cypress 3A.1 What Every ESD Engineer Needs to Understand About Patents (invited Paper), I.Matsil, Texas Instruments, Inc. p205. 3A.2 Dynamic Threshold Body- and Gate-Coupled SOI ESD Protection Networks, S. Voldman, F. Assaderaghi, J. Mandelman, L. Hsu, G. Shahidi, IBM, p210. 3A.3 On the Use of N-Well Resistors for Uniform Triggering of ESD Protection Elements, G. Notermans, Philips Semiconductors, p221. 3A.4 PAPER WITHDRAWN 3A.5 Design Methodology for Optimizing Gate Driven ESD Protection Circuits in Submicron CMOS Processes, J. Chen, A. Amerasekera, C. Duvvury, Texas Instruments, Inc. p230. 3A.6 Study of the ESD Behaviour of Different Clamp Configurations in a 0.35 um CMOS Technology, C. Richier, G. Mabboux, SGS-Thomson; N. Maene, R. Bellens, Alcatel Telecom, p240. 3A.7 Protection of High Voltage Power and Programming Pins, T. Maloney, K. Parat, N. Clark, A. Darwish, Intel Corporation, p246. 3A.8 A Study of ESD Protection Devices for Input Pins: Discharge Characteristics of Diode, Lateral-Bipolar and Thyristor under MM and HBM Tests, H. Ishizuka, K. Okuyama, K. Kubota, M. Komuro, Y. Hara, Hitachi Microcomputer System, Ltd. (Best Paper RCJ EOS/ESD Japan 1996), p255. Session 3B: ESD Considerations Beyond Microelectronics Session Moderator: Joe Bernier, Harris Semiconductor 3B.1 Clean Room ESD Packaging Overview, J. Neteler, Richmond Technology, Inc. p263. 3B.2 Measurement of Cleanroom Fabric Surface Resistivities, D. Cooper, R. Linke, The Texwipe Company, p271. 3B.3 The Antistatic Performance of Cleanroom Clothing - Do Tests on the Fabric Relate to the Performance of the Garment Within the Cleanroom?, M. Dyer, DuPont, p276. 3B.4 Particle Generation of Ceramic Emitters for Cleanroom Air Ionizers, K. Okano, A. Posadas, Polytechnic University, p287. 3B.5 Electrostatic Concerns in the Graphic Arts Industry, M. Swiecicki, Static Solutions, Inc. p292. 3B.6 Static Control Technology Preserves Ancient Egyptian Artifacts, A. Steinman, Ion Systems, Inc., p298. 3B.7 Shock in the Shower, D. Swenson, 3M/Electrical Specialties Division, p303. Session 4a: Component Level ESD Phenomena Session Moderators: A. Amerasekera and M. Chaine, Texas Instruments, Inc. 4A.1 Influence of Well Profile and Gate Length on the ESD Performance of a Fully Silicided 0.25 lim CMOS Technology, K. Bock, C. Russ, G. Badenes, G. Groeseneken, L. Deferm, IMEC, p308. 4A.2 ESD Robustness and Scaling Implications of Aluminum and Copper Interconnects in Advanced Semiconductor Technology, S. Voldman, IBM Microelectronics Division, p316. 4A.3 Electrical Filamentation in GGMOS Protection Structures, V. Vashchenko, V. Sinkevitch, SRI Pulsar; J. Martynov, SRPC Istok, p330. 4A.4 An Attempt to Explain Thermally Induced Soft Failures During Low Level ESD Stresses: Study of the Differences Between Soft and Hard NMOS Failures, P. Salome, C. Leroux, D. Mariolle, D. Lafond, G. Reimbold, LETI CEA Technologies; J. Chante, CEGELY, ECPA-INSA; P. Crevel, MATRA MHS , p337. 4A.5 Unique ESD Failure Mechanisms During Negative to Vcc HBM Tests, M. Chaine, S. Smith, A. Bui, Texas Instruments, Inc. p346. 4A.6 Prediction of ESD Protection Levels and Novel Protection Devices in Thin Film SOI Technology, P. Raha, E. Rosenbaum, University of Illinois; J. Smith, J. Miller, Motorola, p356. 4A.7 Does the ESD-Failure Current Obtained by Transmission Line Pulsing Always Correlate to Human Body Model Tests?, W. Stadler, X. Guggenmos, Siemens AG; P. Egger, H. Gieser, C. Musshoff, Fraunhofer Institute for Solid State Technology, p366. Session 4B: ESD Issues in MR Head Technologies Session Moderator: Al Wallash, Quantum 4B.1 Decay-Time Characterization of ESD Materials for Use with Magnetoresistive Recording Heads, C. Lam, C. Chang, Read-Rite Corporation, p373. 4B.2 Field-induced Breakdown ESD Damage of Magnetoresistive Recording Heads, A. Wallash, Quantum Corporation; M. Honda, Impulse Physics Laboratory, Inc., p382. 4B.3 Characterization of ESD Damaged Magnetoresistive Recording Heads, C. Lam, E- A Salhi, S. Chim, Read-Rite Corporation, p386. 4B.4 "Direct Charging" Charge Device Model Testing of Magnetoresistive Recording Heads, T. Cheung, Applied Magnetics Corporation, p398. 4B.5 Three-Dimensional Transient Simulation of Magnetoresistive Head Temperature During an ESD Event, C. Chang, Seagate Technology, Inc. p405. 4B.6 Effects of Unbalanced Ionizers on Magnetoresistive Recording Heads, H. Snyder, Technical Consulting Associates; A. Wallash, Quantum Corporation, p412. Workshop Session A Workshop Chairman: Jim Colvin, WSI WA.1 ESD Control Program - Audit Problem, Moderator: L. Fromm, Hewlett Packard, p417. WA.2 System Level ESD Issues, Moderator: M. Hopkins, Thermo Voltek Corporation, p418. WA.3 Failure Analysis, Moderator: D. Lin, Lucent Technologies, p419. Workshop Session B Workshop Chairman: Jim Colvin, WSI WB.1 Standards Demonstrations, Moderator: C. Zander, Restronics Company, p420. WB.2 Electrostatic Considerations in Cleanrooms, Moderator: A. Steinman, Ion Systems, p421. WB.3 On Chip Protection, Moderator: T. Maloney, Intel Corporation, p422. WB.4 ESD Issues With AMR and GMR Recording Heads, Moderator: C. Newberg, Western Digital, p423. |