《 靜電》
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Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the ESA, 1999
J. Crowley, M. Horenstein, eds.
In the spirit of modern electrostatics, the papers contained in these
proceedings reflect a great diversity of state-of-the-art topic's in science
and engineering. Indeed, individuals from other fields may marvel at the
wide range of ideas that fall within the domain of electrostatics. These
proceedings include papers on the use of electrostatics in imaging systems,
coating processes, atmospheric probing, micro-electromechanical systems,
land-mine detection, industrial sensors, biological pathogen control, and
nano-scale particle production. Also, while much of electrostatics deals
with the harnessing of electrostatic charge, a large part of the discipline
deals with eliminating its effects. Several of topics in these proceedings,
including papers on electrostatic discharge (ESD), charge neutralization,
and web charging, address this alternative perspective.
Laplacian Press, 1999, 146 pages
Partial List of Contents
Charges and Fields
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Corona Current in a Wire-Cylinder System Revisited -- by James Q. Feng |
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Dual Trichel-like Emission from Unipolar Corona Points-A Basic DC to
AC Conversion Mechanism --by T. S. Lee |
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Radar Diagnoses of Atmospheric Electricity-- by M. C. Lee and J. Jastrzebski |
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Comparative Study of Theoretical Kerr Electro-Optic Fringe Patterns
in Two Dimensional and Axisymmetric Electrode Geometries -- by A. Ustundag
and M. Zahn |
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Electrostatic Aspects of Helicity in Space Physics -- by P. Robert
Kotiaga |
Powders and Particles
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The Effect of Fluidizing and Transport Air Relative Humidity on Corona
and Tribocharging in the Powder Painting Process -- by R. A. Sims and M.
K Mazumder |
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A Method to Determine the Surface Charge Density of a Powder Having
an Arbitrary Particle Size Distribution -- by Albert E. Seaver |
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Bipolar Charging Effects in Polydisperse Powders -- by F. S. Ali, G.
S. P. Castle, 1.1. Inculet and H. Zhao |
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Electrophoretic and Dielectrophoretic Particle Control and Transport
with a New Separation Apparatus -- by Jack Macknis
Surface Charge Distribution Analysis by Fluorescen |
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Microsphere Imaging Technique by M. K Mazumder, K. Tennal, and D. Lindquist
EHD Atomization of Ceramic Suspensions -- by W. Balachandran |
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Sensors and MeasurementsApplications of Quasistatic Sensors: From Cure
Monitoring to Landmine Imaging and Detection -- by Andrew Washabaugh, Yanko
Sheiretov, Darrell Schlicker, and Neil Goldfine |
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Measurements of Moisture Diffusion Dynamics in Transformer Insulation
Using Interdigital Dielectrometry Measurements -- by Y. Du, S. H. Kang,
A. V. Mamishev, B. C. Lesieutre, and M. Zahn |
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Forward and Inverse Parameter Estimation Algorithms of Interdigital
Dielectrometry Sensors by B.C. Lesieutre, A.V. Mamishev, Y. Du, E. Keskiner,
G.C. Verghese, and M. Zahn |
Applied Electrostatics
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Ion Beam Contouring to Generate Sub-Millimeter Optics -- by Thomas
G. Bifano, Mark N. Horenstein, Mike Feinberg, and Prahsant Shanbhag |
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A Micro-Scale Electric-Induction Machine for a Micro Gas Turbine Generator
-- by Steven F. Nagle and Jefferey H. Lang |
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Production of Ions and Nanoparticles from Taylor Cone-Jets of Highly
Conducting Organic Electrolytes-- by J. Ferna'ndez de la Mora and M. Gamero-Castano |
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Control of Foodborne Pathogenic Microorganisms Using Electric-Discharge-Generated
Ozone Enhanced by Ultraviolet Photons by S. Edward Law and Michael E. Diaz |
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Lumped Element Model for Computing the Equilibrium Charge Distribution
Along a Moving Web -- by Mark N. Horenstein |
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Relating Roller Shaft Voltages to Tribocharging During Sheet Transport
-- by Humphrey Wong |
Dielectrics and Materials
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The Effects of Electric Field Radiated from Electrostatic Discharge
on the Electronic Circuit -- by Jiu-sheng Huang |
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A Theoretical Paradox Related to Solid Dielectrics that Cannot be Resolved
even after a Computer Simulation Using Finite Element Analysis -- by Andreas
Trupp |
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Piezoelectric Effect on Ice -- by Hasashi Shio |
Future Directions in Electrostatics
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High-Density Charge Clusters: A New Technology -- by Hal Fox |
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Electrostatics in China -- by Jiu-sheng Huang |
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A New Unified Method for Measurement of Electrical Resistivity of Textile
Assemblies -- by Pellumb G. Berberi |
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A Method to Estimate the Area of Contact of a Textile Fabric with a
Rigid Flat Surface -- by Pellumb G. Berberi, J. Amirbayat, 1. Porat