ESA Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2000
Crowley, Law, Vosteen, eds.
Covers presentations from the annual meeting of the Electrostatics Society
of America held in St. Catharine's, Ontario, Canada, June of 2000. Topics
include: electrostatics in biological and medical systems, charge neutralization
and dissipation, instrumentation, measurements and hazards, charging and
electrical fields, electrostatic phenomena, processes and fabrication.
2000, 228 pp. + illustrations
Partial List of Contents
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Keynote: Where in the USA is Electrostatics? by Joseph M. Crowley |
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Electrostatics in Biological and Medical Systems Importance of Electrostatics
in Respiratory Drug Delivery by Joanne Peart, Ph. D. |
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AccudepÆ-A Revolutionary Process Technology for Manufacturing
of Pharmaceuticals by M. Kashef, S. Chrai, A. Katdare, R. Murari, G. Santonastaso |
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Microscale Electrostatics in Mitosis and Cytokinesis by L. John Gagliardi |
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Novel Applications of Electrostatic Spraying Technology by Steven C.
Cooper and S. Edward Law |
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Electrostatic Coating of Popcorn by Sheryl A. Barringer and Peggy Miller |
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Charge Neutralization and Dissipation Temperature Dependence of DC
Corona and Ion Entrainment in a Flow Channel by Charles G. Noll |
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Charge Extraction from the Carrier Stream that is Entrained from DC
Corona by Flowing Air and Nitrogen Gases by Charles G. Noll |
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Carrier Entrainment from a Radioactive Ionizer in Flowing Air and Nitrogen
by Charles G. Noll, William Miller and Christopher Bracikowski |
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Modeling of Surface Charge Dissipation on Fabrics by J. A. Gonzalez |
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Charge on Corona-Treated High Density Polyethylene Bottles by J. M.
Singley, V. J. Urick, C. Bracikowski, and C. G. Noll |
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Marking with Electrostatics by Dan A. Hays |
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Instrumentation, Measurements and Hazards Vibrational Fluxmeters-A
New Class of Electric Field Sensors by V. I. Struminsky |
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An Electrostatic Field Transducer with High Immunity to Parasitic Voltages
by Liviu Matei, Mihai Antoniu, Cristian Ze, Gh. Antoniu |
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An Improved Experimental Setup for Electrostatic Discharge Measurements
Based on the Transmission Line Pulsing Technique by J. C. Lee, W. R. Young,
J. J. Liou, G. D. Croft, and J. C. Bernier |
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New Approaches for Testing Materials by John Chubb |
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Methodological Aspects of Electric Field Measurements in the Stratosphere
and Mesosphere by V. I. Struminsky |
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A System for the Advance Warning of Risk of Lightning by John Chubb
and John Harbour |
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Charging and Electric Fields: Effect of Surface Coverage of a Glass
Pipe by Small Particles on the Triboelectrification of Glucose Powder by
Matti Murtomaa and Ensio Laine |
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Evolutionary Changes of Thin-dielectric Charging by Positive Point
DC Corona by T. S. Lee |
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A Relationship between Mesh, Grit and Particle Diameter by Albert E.
Seaver |
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Simulation of the Separation of Free Falling Bipolar Charged Particles
through a Vertical Cascade Array of Faraday Pails by H. Zhao, G. S. P.
Castle, and I. I. Inculet |
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Electric Field Distortion by Water Droplets and their Deformation on
Insulator Surface by Ivan J. S. Lopes, Shesha H. Jayaram, and Edward A.
Cherney |
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The Treatment of Liquids Using Electric and Magnetic Fields by G. F.
Girda |
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Electrohydrodynamic Flow Associated with Unipolar Charge Current due
to Corona Discharge from a Wire Enclosed in a Rectangular Shield by James
Q. Feng |
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Electrostatic Phenomena, Processes and Fabrication Niagara Falls: Ion
Emission and Sonoluminescence by Thomas V. Prevenslik |
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Some Basic Phenomena of Water Boules by J. Ahern and W. Balachandran |
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An ESD Solution with Cascode Structure for Deep-Submicron IC Technology
by Howard Tang, S. S. Chen, Scott Liu, M. T. Lee, C. H. Liu, M. C. Wang,
and L. C. Hsia |
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Different Electrostatic Methods for Making Electret Filters by Peter
P. Tsai, Heidi Schreuder-Gibson and Phillip Gibson |
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Electrostatic Micromirrors for Subaperturing in an Adaptive Optics
System by M. N. Horenstein, S. Pappas, A. Fishov, and T. G. Bifano |
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Evolution of Streaming Potentials in a Glass Beads Bed in Terms of
Temperature by P. O. Grimaud and G. Touchard