IEEE-IAS 静电委员会2001年论文目录Dr. Yatsuzuka kyoko@eie.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp Electrostatic Chuck with a Thin Ceramic Insulation Layer for Wafer Holding K. Yatsuzuka, J. Toukairin, and K. Asano, Yamagata University, JAPAN EPC-01-1-2 EPC-1 2 Professor Adamiak kadamiak@eng.uwo.ca Rate of Charging of a Spherical Particle by the Ionic Bombardment K. Adamiak, The University of Western Ontario, CANADA EPC-01-1-3 EPC-1 3 Professor Dascalescu ldascalescu@iutang.univ-poitiers.fr Charging of One or Several Cylindrical Particles in Monoionized Electric Fields L. Dascalescu, F. Aman, University Institute of Technology, FRANCE; L. Dumitran, CNRS, FRANCE; A. Samuila, University Institute of Technology, FRANCE EPC-01-1-4 EPC-1 4 Dr. Jaworek jaworek@imp.gda.pl Aerosol Particle Charging in Ionic Current and Alternating Electric Field M. Lackowski, A. Krupa, Polish Academy of Sciences, POLAND; K. Adamiak, G.S.P. Castle, University of Western Ontario, CANADA; A. Jaworek, Polish Academy of Sciences, POLAND EPC-01-1-5 EPC-1 5 Dr. Ramesh pramesh@crt.xerox.com Space Charge Limited Discharge from Microscopic Electrical Defects in Xerographic Photoreceptors P. Ramesh, S. Maitra, and S. Jeyadev, Xerox Corporation, U.S.A. EPC-01-1-6 EPC-1 6 Professor Murata Murata@ee.noda.sut.ac.jp Generation of Charged Sub-micron Solid Particles and their Application for Visualization of Microscopic Charge Distribution Y. Murata and S. Tsukamoto, Science University of Tokyo, JAPAN EPC-01-1-7 EPC-1 7 Dr. Honda maxhonda@angel.ne.jp Unipolar Charge Induction on Moving Parts in Static Field M. Honda, Impulse Physics Laboratory, JAPAN EPC-01-2-1 EPC-2 1 Dr. Kuroki kuroki@energy.osakafu-u.ac.jp Single-Stage Plasma-Chemical Process for Particulates, NOx and SOx Simultaneous Removal T. Kuroki, M. Takahashi, K. Hayakawa, M. Okubo and T. Yamamoto, Osaka Prefecture University, JAPAN EPC-01-2-2 EPC-2 2 Dr. Futamura futamura@nire.go.jp Hydrogen Generation from Water, Methane, and Methanol with Nonthermal Plasma H. Kabashima, H. Einaga, and S. Futamura, National Institute for Resources and Environment, JAPAN EPC-01-2-3 EPC-2 3 Dr. Ogata ogata@nire.go.jp Decomposition of Benzene in Air by Plasma Reactor - Effect of Reactor Type and Operating Conditions A. Ogata, K. Miyamae, K. Mizuno, S. Kushiyama, National Institute for Resources and Environment, JAPAN; M. Tezuka, Saitama Institute of Technology, JAPAN EPC-01-2-4 EPC-2 4 Dr. Katsura katsura@eco.tut.ac.jp Removal of SOx Using a Wet Type Non-thermal Plasma Reactor Y. Kinoshita, K. Saitoh, K. Takashima, S. Katsura, and A. Mizuno, Toyohashi University of Technology, JAPAN EPC-01-2-5 EPC-2 5 Dr. Okubo mokubo@energy.osakafu-u.ac.jp Adsorption and Nonthermal Plasma Desorption Processes for Increasing NOx Concentration in Flue Exhaust Gas M. Okubo, H. Kametaka, G. Tanioka, T. Kuroki and T. Yamamoto, Osaka Prefecture University, JAPAN EPC-01-2-6 EPC-2 6 Professor Oda oda@streamer.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp Decomposition of Dilute Trichloroethyle by Non-Thermal Plasma Processing -Catalyst and Ozone Effect T. Oda, K. Yamaji and T. Takahashi, University of Tokyo, JAPAN EPC-01-2-7 EPC-2 7 Dr. Bai hjs@dlmu.edu.cn Studies on the Ammonium Salts Collection of SO2 Removal with Dielectric Barriar Discharge Z. Zhang, Northeastern University, U.S.A.; M. Bai, X. Bai, B. Yang, X. Zhuo, Dalian Maritime University; CHINA EPC-01-3-1 EPC-3 1 Dr. Kanazawa skana@cc.oita-u.ac.jp Decomposition of Toluene by Using a Streamer Discharge Reactor Combined with Catalysts D. Li, S. Kanazawa, T. Ohkubo, Y. Nomoto, Oita University, JAPAN EPC-01-3-2 EPC-3 2 Dr. Kanazawa skana@cc.oita-u.ac.jp Two-Dimensional Imaging of NO Density During NOx Removal by LIF Technique in a Corona Radical Shower Reactor S. Kanazawa, T. Ito, Y. Shuto, T. Ohkubo, Y. Nomoto, Oita University, JAPAN; J. Mizeraczyk, Polish Academy of Sciences, POLAND EPC-01-3-3 EPC-3 3 Dr. Goto naogoto@criepi.denken.or.jp NO Conversion in Barrier Discharge with Cu-ZSM-5 N. Goto, S. Kudou, S. Ohyama, H. Motoyama, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, JAPAN EPC-01-3-4 EPC-3 4 Professor Yamamoto yamamoto@energy.oskafu-u.ac.jp NOx Removal from Diesel Engine Emission Using Pulsed Corona-Chemical Process T. Yamamoto, M. Okubo, T. Kuroki and K. Kitaura, Osaka Prefecture University, JAPAN EPC-01-3-5 EPC-3 5 Professor Prieto gprieto@herrera.unt.edu.ar A Plate-to-Plate Plasma Reactor as a Fuel Processor for Hydrogen-Rich Gas Production G. Prieto, M. Okumoto, K. Takashima and A. Mizuno, Toyohashi University of Technology, JAPAN; O. Prieto and C.R. Gay, National University of Tucuman, ARGENTINA EPC-01-3-6 EPC-3 6 Dr. Bai hjs@dlmu.edu.cn Studies of Ammonia Synthesis in a Strong Ionization Discharge at Ambient Pressure M. Bai, X. Bai, Dalian Maritime University, CHINA; Z. Zhang, Northeastern University, U.S.A.; H. Han, Y. Wang, Dalian Maritime University, CHINA EPC-01-4-1 EPC-4 1 Professor Seyed-Yagoobi jyagoobi@mengr.tamu.edu Electrohydrodynamic Conduction Pumping - Optimum Electrode Design S. Jeong and J. Seyed-Yagoobi, Texas A&M University, U.S.A. EPC-01-4-2 EPC-4 2 Professor Higashiyama higashi@eie.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp Resonance Phenomena of a Single Water Droplet Located on a Hydrophobic Sheet Under AC Electric Field Y. Higashiyama, T. Yamada, T. Sugimoto, M. Takeishi, and T. Aoki, Yamagata University, JAPAN EPC-01-4-3 EPC-4 3 Dr. Moreau eric.moreau@lea.univ-poitiers.fr DC, AC, and Traveling Wave Electrical Discharges Applied to the Control of Low Velocity Airflow along a Flat Plate L. Leger, E. Moreau, G. Touchard, Universite de Poitiers, FRANCE EPC-01-4-4 EPC-4 4 Dr. Lai flai@ou.edu EHD-Enhanced Drying with a Wire Electrode K.W. Lai and F.C. Lai, University of Oklahoma, U.S.A. EPC-01-4-5 EPC-4 5 Dr. Bologna andrei.bologna@itc-tab.fzk.de Electrohydrodynamic Disintegration of Charged Drops as a Factor of Intensification Transfer Phenomena An.M. Bologa and Al.M. Bologa, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, MOLDOVA EPC-01-4-6 EPC-4 6 Professor Stishkov stishkov@paloma.spbu.ru Electrohydrodynamical Currents in System of Electrodes a Wire - Wire A.V. Buyanov, Y.K. Stishkov, St. Petersburg State University, RUSSIA EPC-01-5-1 EPC-5 1 Professor Mazumder mkmazumder1@ualr.edu Effects of Surface Properties on the Tribocharging Characteristics of Polymer Powders as Applied to Industrial Powder Coatings and Material Separation S. Trigwell, N. Grable, C. Yurteri, S. O'Connor, and M.K. Mazumder, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, U.S.A. EPC-01-5-2 EPC-5 2 Professor Inculet arobertson@fes.engga.uwo.ca Liquid Space Charge Generation Using Induction Charging of Flat Sprays I.I. Inculet and G.S.P. Castle, University of Western Ontario, CANADA EPC-01-5-3 EPC-5 3 Dr. Malyan Beresford.malyan@brunel.ac.uk Dielectrophoretic Trapping and an Optical Detection Technique for Nanometre Sized Biological Particles B. Malyan, J. Kulon and W. Balachandran, Brunel University, U.K. EPC-01-5-4 EPC-5 4 Dr. Suehiro suehiro@ees.kyushu-u.ac.jp Selective Detection of Bacteria Using Dielectrophoretic Impedance Measurement Method Combined with Antigen-Antibody Reaction J. Suehiro, D. Noutomi, R. Hamada and M. Hara, Kyushu University, JAPAN EPC-01-5-5 EPC-5 5 Dr. Katsura katsura@eco.tut.ac.jp Control of Restriction Enzyme Activity by Local Concentration of Magnesium Ion S. Katsura, Y. Maeda, N. Harada, S. Matsuura, K. Hirano, K. Takashima and A. Mizuno, Toyohashi University of Technology, JAPAN EPC-01-5-6 EPC-5 6 Professor Mazumder mkmazumder1@ualr.edu Effect of Ambient Relative Humidity on Charge Decay Properties of Polymer Powder and the Occurrence of Back Corona in Powder Coating R. Sharma, R.A. Sims, and M.K. Mazumder, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, U.S.A. EPC-01-6-1 EPC-6 1 Mr. Kulon janusz.kulon@brunel.ac.uk The Bipolar Charge Aerosol Classifier J. Kulon, B. Malyan, W. Balachandran, Brunel University, U.K. EPC-01-6-2 EPC-6 2 Dr. Iuga alexandru.Iuga@et.utcluj.ro Electrostatic Separation of Mica Flakes from Mineral Sands A.Iuga, I. Cuglesan, A. Samuila, A. Urs, R. Morar, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA; L. Dascalescu, Institut Universitaire de Technologie, FRANCE EPC-01-6-3 EPC-6 3 Professor Mazumder mkmazumder1@ualr.edu Corona Guns with Ring Electrodes: Reduction of Free Ion Concentration for Back Corona Control in Powder Coating A. Biris, M.K. Mazumder, R.A. Sims, C. Yurteri, J. Sondgrass, and R. Sterling, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, U.S.A. EPC-01-6-4 EPC-6 4 Professor Colver gmc@iastate.edu Electrostatic Separation of Water Molecules (in Air) in a Laminar Flow Duct G.M. Colver, Iowa State University, U.S.A. EPC-01-6-5 EPC-6 5 Professor Dascalescu ldascalescu@iutang.univ-poitiers.fr Optimization of Electrostatic Separation Processes Using Surface Response Methodology L. Dascalescu, P. Ribardiere, S. Billaud, Institut Universitaire de Technologie, FRANCE; R. Kohnlechner, Hamos GmbH, GERMANY; M. Mihailescu, A. Iuga, Technical University, ROMANIA EPC-01-6-6 EPC-6 6 Professor Mazumder mkmazumder1@ualr.edu Application of Boxer Charger for Charging Polymer Powder without Free Ion Current N. Grable, G. Ahuja, M.K. Mazumder, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, U.S.A. EPC-01-6-7 EPC-6 7 Dr. Kober Petra.Kober@hamos.com Applied Electrostatic Separation of Mixed Plastics P. Kober and R. Koehnlechner, Hamos, GERMANY EPC-01-7-1 EPC-7 1 Dr. Sullivan charles.r.sullivan@dartmouth.edu Using Dielectric Losses to De-Ice Power Transmission Lines with 100 kHz High-Voltage Excitation J.D. McCurdy, C.R. Sullivan and V.F. Petrenko, Dartmouth College, U.S.A. EPC-01-7-2 EPC-7 2 Dr. Grass norbert.grass@t-online.de Pulsed Power Supply for Electrostatic Precipitators N. Grass, Siemens AG, GERMANY EPC-01-7-3 EPC-7 3 Dr. Guemes Alonso iepgualj@lg.ehu.es Determination of the Electric and Thermal Field in a Resistive Sensor of High Voltage J.A. Guemes, E.U. Ingenieria Tecnica Industrial, SPAIN EPC-01-7-4 EPC-7 4 Dr. Alonso marcos@bautista.edv.uniovi.es Analysis and Design of a Low-Power High-Voltage High-Frequency Power Supply for Ozone Generation J.M. Alonso, A.J. Calleja, J. Ribas, M. Valdes, Universidad de Oviedo, SPAIN; J. Losada, Etronecology, SPAIN EPC-01-7-5 EPC-7 5 Dr. Chung yhchung@lgis.com All Solid-State Switched Pulser for NOx Control Y.H. Chung, H.J. Kim, C.S.Yang, LG Industrial Systems Co. Ltd., KOREA EPC-01-7-6 EPC-7 6 Professor Abdel-Salam mazen2000as@yahoo.com Early Detection of Weak Points in MEEC Distribution System M. Abel-Salam, S. Abdel-Sattar, Assiut University, EGYPT; Y. Sayed, Menia University, EGYPT; M. Ghally, Middle Egypt Electricity Company, EGYPT EPC-01-8-1 EPC-8 1 Dr. Al-Hamouz zhamouz@kfupm.edu.sa Finite Element Computation of Electric Field and Charge Density of a Pulsed Energized Electrostatic Precipitator Z. Al-Hamouz, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, SAUDI ARABIA EPC-01-8-2 EPC-8 2 Professor Dascalescu ldascalescu@iutang.univ-poitiers.fr Numerical Computation of Conducting Particle Trajectories in Plate-Type Electrostatic Separators S. Vlad, A. Urs, M. Purcar, A. Iuga, Technical University, ROMANIA; L. Dascalescu, Institut Universitaire de Technologie, FRANCE EPC-01-8-3 EPC-8 3 Dr. Buccella buccella@ing.univaq.it Calculation of Current Distribution in a Lightning Stroked Metal Structure Considering the Non-linear Ground Impedance C. Buccella, University of L'Aquila, ITALY EPC-01-8-4 EPC-8 4 Professor Greason wgreason@julian.uwo.ca Experimental Investigation of Indirect Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) for a Three Body Problem W.D. Greason, University of Western Ontario, CANADA EPC-01-8-5 EPC-8 5 Professor Touchard gerard.touchard@lea.univ-poitiers.fr Influence of Pressboard Physico-chemical Composition on Static Electrification in Power Transformer T. Paillat, Universite De Poitiers, FRANCE; L. Onic, Ecole Francaise de Papeterie, FRANCE; O. Moreau, Electricite De France, FRANCE; Mortha, Ecole Francaise de Papeterie, FRANCE; G. Touchard, Universite De Poitiers, FRANCE EPC-01-8-6 EPC-8 6 Dr. Buccella buccella@ing.univaq.it Lightning Protection Systems for Charged Oil Metal Vessels C. Buccella and A. Orlandi, University of L'Aquila, ITALY EPC-01-8-7 EPC-8 7 Professor Kupershtokh skn@hydro.nsc.ru Stochastic Regularities of Electrical Breakdown Initiation in Transformer Oil A.L. Kupershtokh, Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics, RUSSIA; I. Vitellas, D.P. Agoris, Public Power Corporation, GREECE; D.I. Karpov, Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics, RUSSIA; V.P. Charalambakos, University of Patras, GREECE |