Applied Electrostatics, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference’ 1993, Beijing, Edited by RuiNian LiChapter 1 Novel cold plasma technologies for pollution controll
Novel cold plasma technologies for pollution control l
Reduction of Nox from
a combustion flue gas by superimposing surface and silent discharges
A phenomenon of
oxidation in removal of 502 from flue gas by positive pulsed streamer l
Study on decomposition
of gas pollutants by ultra-high voltage pulse corona discharge l
Effect of oxygen
concentration on NO removal from flue gas using streamer corona l
A simplified model for
oxidation of Nox and S02 by low temperature plasma l
Matching between voltage pulse generator and reactor for producing low
temperature plasma by positive pulse corona l
Optimum energization
for DeNox by means of pulse discharge l
Experiments on a
generator/reactor system of corona removal of S02/Nox
The characteristics
of pulsed streamer corona and energy transfer efficiency l
The influence of gas
composition on the electrical. characteristics of pulse corona discharge l
characteristics of positive and negative short pulse corona l
Influence of dc-bias voltage and rise time of pulses on ozone synthesis
in electrostatic precipitator l
Nanosecond corona
discharge for decomposition of gas phase formaldehyde l
Chapter II Static electrification and dielectriasl
Charging of particles of different materials in AC-electric field l
Gas-discharge phenomena at edge of a Kirlian object l
Charge-traping sites in polypropylene l
auto-separation of observed TSC curves by the theory of the fundamental element l
Toner charge polarity
reversal phenomenon in two-component developer l
Piezoelectric properties of double layer electrets l
Tree and spherulite in
polypropylene by means of image
processing l
Treeing resistance of
interface prepared between
two cross-linked polyethylenes l
Triboelectric charging in a circulating fluidized bed l
Corona charging current in Polyethylene terephtalate films Chapter III Electrostatic spraying and aerosol depositionl
Reverse modelling
technique for designing an electrostatic nozzle for sprayin4 catalytic melt l
Electrostatic sprayers
of liquid, influence of sprayer parameters on efficiency of liquid spraying and
charging l
On Rayleigh's
criterion for disruption of a charged droplet l
atomization of water in a grounded metal container l
of charged aerosol in human airways Chapter Ⅳ Prevention of electrostatic hazards in oil and chemical industriesl
powder electrostatic hazards l
combustion testing using electrostatic l
study of testing the minimum ignition energy of combustible dusts l
evaluation of electrostatic charging caused by agitation of flammable liquids l
of Benzotriazol and contaminants on Streaming Electrification in Transformer Oil l
effect of a preferential adsorption and a unipolar injection of charge on a
liquid hydrocarbon saturating a porous medium l
layer development at solid-liquid interface l
of an on-line monitoring technique about oil electrostatic l
experimental study of corona-ion current of air terminals Chapter V Novel techniques in electrostatic precipitationl
The theory of the low energy electron dust particle removing system l
Industrial applications of wet tubular electrostatic precipitators l
The use of ESP in coal transport system for the control of dust emission l
Corona Discharge Characteristics by a Contaminated Wire Electrode in an
Air-cleaning ESP l
Circuit design and application of a power supply controller for 'Iv
electrostatic precipitation l
High voltage pulse power supply with non-spark discharge Chapter VI Novel Applied electrostatic techniquesl
Formation and evaluation of images obtained by the toner jetting method
(part 1) l
Electrostatic separation of coal pyrite in a circulating fluidized bed l
The measurement of friction coefficient for various thin films using
millimeter-size movers driven electrostatic force l
Experiments on effects of high voltage static field on the ultra-weak
chemiluminescence of semen of Inner Mongolia cashmere goats and New Zealand
rabbit l
The prospect of engineering application of electro-rheological technique
in China Chapter VII Electrostatic measurement techniquesl
Development of Kerr electro-optic measurement method for non-uniform
three-dimensional electric field l
Efficient bulk search for fractional charge with
Millikan chamber l
Application of the electrical modulation of a charged solid particle
stream to the mass flow rate measurement by means of any non-contact method l
A principle of measuring the mobility spectrum versus ageing of
atmospheric ions l
A new principle of electrostatic potential measurement and its
application |