Development in Applied Electrostatics, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Applied Electrostatics, 1997, Edited by Sun KepingPlenary Lecturel
Drug delivery' by inhalation of charged particles l
Industrial experiments on generator and reactor system for S02 removal
from flue gas by pulse corona discharge l
Chemical kinetics model of ozone synthesis and S02/ N0x
removal by streamer corona Chapter 1 Novel cold plasma technologies for pollution controll
Corona induced non-thermal plasmas fundamental study and industry
application l
Removal of N0X and SO2 from gas stream by impulse
corona energization l
Matching between generator and reactor for producing pulse corona
discharge l
Flue gas conditioning by conversion 502
nanosecond corona discharge l
A study of density distributions of high energy electrons produced from
corona discharge in the air along the radial of reactor by advanced emission
spectral method l
Ferroelectric packed bed reactor for pollution control in gases by
cold plasma l
Novel technology for pollution control l
Basic research on development of an electrostatic fog-liquefier composed
of rod electrodes l
Influence of voltage rise time to pulse corona characteristics l
The electrons, Ions and electric field between electrodes in negative
discharge l
Investigations on removal of S02 from flue gas by aerosol
formation in pulsed corona discharge process Chapter 2 Static Electrification and Dielectricsl Theoretically predicted charge on droplets produced with a pneumatic nozzle in a corona field l The influence of the surface and bulk electrochemical processes on the current- voltage characteristic and electrization of near-electrode domains in low-conductive liquids l The prevent effect of additive on the streaming electrification l Fractal characterization of the dipole moments of dielectric particle chains l Pseudo-electret field distribution l Effect of crystal face on frictional electrification of single ice crystals l Effect of pulverization on charge trapping properties of polymethy Imethacrylate l Spherical particle with conductive and dielectric properties in non-uniform electric field l charge storage and transport in polymethy lmethacrylate (PMMA) film l The explanation of the theory of electrical double layer for frictive rnicro-rnechanism l The research in electrostatic field when impurities are mixed in the oil in a transformer l Experimental research on the chemical durability of glass by using the electric field force Chapter 3 Electrostatic spraying and aerosol depositionl Digital type photoconductor for laser printer l Electrification of the walls of channels by an aerosol stream containing charge particles l The high voltage electrostatic generator used in spraying paint Chapter 4 Novel techniques in electrostatic precipitatorl
The impact of corona electrode configurarion on ESP performance l
Novel pulsed power source for electrostatic precipitators l
Migration velocity and visualization of the trajectory of fly ash
particles of inside an electrostatic Precipitator l
Mathematical model for electrostatic precipitator design l
New techno logy for the rehabilitation of the Romanian electrostatic
precipitators in order to integrate their emissions into the European Standard
Specification l
Experimental study' on S02 and NOx removal from
flue gases by electron beam and microwave irradiation l
The mechanism of agglomerating behavior produced by polarizing flyash
particle l
Application o{high voltage electrostatic precipitator in coal
transportation line l
Studies on the electric field characteristics of coal powder
electrostatic precipitation l
A study on the supporter structure of silicon stack1 used in
high voltage electrostatic power supplies l
Research on the reliability of the rectification transformer of small
high voltage electrostatic precipitator l
Application of new devices and new materials to D.C high voltage power
supply of electrostatic precipitator l
investigation on high efficiency oil mist filtration with kitchen ESP l
The research and production main ideaes of the high voltage
electrostatic generator charge particles l
The high voltage electrostatic precipitator for PbO dust Chapter 5 Novel applied electrostaticsl
Inpedence and dielectrophoresis of mouse hybridoma cells and myeloma
cells l
Sterilizing effect of escherichia coli by critical HV impuse parameter l
Effect of high voltage static electric field on fertilization rate of
cock spermatozoa and embryo development l
The experiment and physics analysis on drying vegetables in the electric
field l
Positive effect of high voltage electrostatic field on the development
of in vitro fertilized mouse embryos l
Influence of static electricity treatment on division and proliferation
of plant cells l
Effects of electret on hyaluronic acid content and vascular permeability
of skin of scalded rats l
Magnetic lid potential welt and the application of it to controlled
nuclear fusion l
Development and using of applying the piezoelectric ceramic transformer
high voltages power sourse to the static duplicator l
Application of high voltage electrostatic field on the emulsification of
fuel oil l
Path of charged particle and distribution of electric potential in the
system of static electricity focusing l
A model of enzyme activated by external electric field Chapter 6 Electrostatic Measurement techniquesl
Calibration of an electrostatic flow probe for mass flow rate
measurement l
Non-contacting method of determining DC dielectric constant for a thin
insulating polymer layer l
A hybrid-sensing system for web charge measurement l
Two-step probe calibration to determine electrostatic charge on
dielectric surface l
A new test method and instrument of frictional voltage decaying for
fabrics l
The investigation of electrostatic charging by the use of a scanning
electron microscope l
Investigations on a novel electric field sensor l
On the measurement of human body capacitance l
Researches on new techniques and a novel monitor used in testing
electrostatic charge-density in fuel system l
Studies of the dynarnic charge inductive electrostatic voltmeter l
A study on the ion meter for atomspheric ion measurement l
The application of fuzzy neural network in tanker static electricity
monit l
The measuring of dielectric constant of the oil and the autocontrol of
oil-seperator Chapter 7 Prevention of Electrostatic Hazardsl
determination of lightning propagation velocity at low altitude l
and its control system, the research and application of static electricity
prevention l
nutyre of ball lightning l
way thinking about antistatic as viewed from job site l
on real electrostatic sensitivity test for conductive-powder electroexplosive
device l
electrostatic hazards in the packing of polypropylene powder l
of electrostatic discharge on human body l
of optimal irradiation technology on modification of polymer electrostatic
properties with an electron beam l
and study of electrostatic ignition in the process of steam cleaning in tank car l
study on anti-electrostatic property of special vinyl on / cotton blending
fabric l
investigation of the field radiated by human electrostatic discharge (ESD) l
influence of inductance on the FSD current by numerical computation l
on transport character of electric particle in pipeline l
and elimination of the electrostatics in moving powder materials l
of the electrostatic hazard from phosphorous pentosuiphide (P2S5) l
the electrostatic hazard of antiager l
technology condition and desigh of electrostatic earthing floating net on the
surface of light oil product l
on electrical field numerical calculation & safety evaluation in cylindrical
silo filled powder l
research on shielding effect of the novel conductive cloth to microwave l
discharge from the body l
and treatment for the fire accident caused by electrostatics in pump house of