IAS 1998 Annual Meeting Committees and SessionsPapers Presented in the Electrostatic Processes Committee, Listed by Session Electrostatic DischargesSession Chair: W. D. Greason of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada Computational Estimation of ESD Conditions Between Charged Particles and Grounded Surfaces Fundamental Characteristics of Electrostatic Wafer Chuck with Insulating Sealant Lumped Element Model for Computing the Equilibrium Charge Distribution Along a Moving Web Calorimetric Calibration of Spark Gaps for Electrostatic Discharge Studies Methodology for the Characterization of the Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Event for Bodies in Approach Analysis of Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) for the Human Body and an Automobile Environment Corona Induced Oxidation and Plasma Chemical ProcessesSession Chair: T. Oda, of Tokyo Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan Session Organizer: J.S. Chang, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada DC Corona for NOx Oxidation Dependence of Sintering Temperature of BaTi03 Pellets on NOx Removal in a Packed- Bed Plasma Reactor Measurement of Hydroxyl Radicals in an Atmospheric Pressure Discharge Plasma by Using Laser-Induced Fluorescence Space Charge Analysis of Plasma Pre- Processed PTFE Thin Films Cleaning of Indoor Air Using Pulsed Discharge Behavior of N2 and Nitrogen Oxides in Plasma Chemical Processing of Hazardous Air Pollutants Decomposition of Benzene Using Adsorbent- Hybrid Plasma Reactor Corona Induced Oxidation and Plasma Chemical Processes IISession Chair: C. Noll, SIMCO, Hatfield, PA, USA NO Removal Characteristics of a Corona Radical Shower System Under DC and AC/ DC Superimposed Operations Removal of NF3 from Semiconductor Process Flue Gases by Tandem Packed Bed Plasma- Adsorbent Hybrid Systems Removal of Organic Compounds from Aqueous Solutions by Electron Radiation Technique Wet Type Plasma Reactor for Incinerator Effect of Water Vapor and Hydrocarbons in Removing Nox by Using Non- Thermal Plasma and Catalyst Decomposition of Dilute Trichloroethylene by Using Non-Thermal Plasma Processing - Frequency and Catalyst Effect Plasma Desorption and Decomposition Liquids and ElectrohydrodynamicsSession Chair: J. Seyed-Yagoobi, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA Behavior of Water Droplets Located on a Hydrophobic Insulating Plate Under DC Field DC Corona Discharge of Metal Filament Particle Within Parallel Plate Electrodes Breakdown of Air Over a Water Surface Stressed by a Perpendicular Alternating Electric Field Stability of Electrohydrodynamic Induction Pumping of a Stratified Liquid/ Vapor Medium in the Presence of an External Load Space Charge Modelling in a Charge Injected Electrostatic Atomiser Powder Technology Session Chair: Y. Higashiyama, Yamagata University, Yonezawa, Japan Charge Exchange Model of a Disperse System of Spherical Powder Particles Numerical Investigation of Powder Trajectories and Deposition in Tribo- Charge Powder Coating Charging of Glass Powder in a Circulating Fluidized Bed Electrostatic Ignition Hazards from Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers (FIBCs) with Materials of Minimum Ignition Energies Down to 0.12 milliJoules Electrostatic Precipitation and SeparationSession Chair: G. S. P. Castle, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada Deposition Efficiency of Dust Particles on Water Droplets in Electrostatic Scrubbers Mercury and Other Trace Elements Removal Characteristics of DC and Pulse Energized Electrostatic Precipitator Molecular Surgery of DNA Based on Electrostatic Micromanipulation Mathematical Modeling of the Combined Corona-Electrostatic Field of Roll- Type Separators Investigations on Electrostatic Precipitator: A Case Study Electrostatic Separation of Metals and Plastics from Granular Industrial Wastes Numerical Analysis of the Electric Field in Plate-Type Electrostatic Separators Computational ElectrostaticsSession Chair: L. Dascalescu, NCRS, Grenoble, France A Bipolar Charge Measurement System for Aerosol Characterization Electric Field and Potential Determination for Electrowinning Cells with Bipolar Electrodes by Finite Difference Models Electrostatic Analysis of Composite Materials Combined Finite Element - Charge Simulation Computation of Monopolar Corona on Bundle Wires Electrode Protrusions and Particle Chaining as Factors Affecting the Dielectric Strength of Air Successive Imaging Technique for Field Distribution Around Conductors Above a Two- Layer Earth Corona Discharges and Charged Particles Session Chair: K. Robinson, Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, NY, USA Pulsed- Field Mobilities of the Charge Carriers in Ionized Gases Reticulated Vitreous Carbon Electrodes for Gas Phase Pulsed Corona Reactors Data Acquisition System for the Measurements of Corona Currents