









《 靜電》








  1. 帶電絕緣體不引然放電安全靜電電位的研究. [碩士學位論文]. 1987
  2. The safety electrostatic potential of non-incendialy discharges from charged insulator. Proceedings of the International Conference on Modern Electrostatics, International Academic publishers. pp.472-474. Beijing, China, Oct. 21-25. 1987, ISBN 0 08 037029 2 (北京:國際應用靜電學術交流會)
  3. 靜電測試及實驗. 北京物理學會靜電專業委員會,北京市勞動保護科學研究所. 1988.5 
  4. 帶電絕緣體不引然放電安全靜電電位的研究. 雷電與靜電. 1989, 4(2): 37-41
  5. 積體電路靜電計在靜電測量中的應用. 北京物理學會靜電專業委員會年會.1989
  6. JD-C型防爆靜電多用表的研製. 第二屆北京國際靜電技術會議. 收入會議論文集《現代靜電技術》. 北京:北京理工大學出版社, 1993, 101-103 
  7. 紡織品安全電荷面密度的研究. 第二屆北京國際靜電技術會議. 收入會議論文集《現代靜電技術》. 北京: 北京理工大學出版社, 1993, 104-107
  8. The development of non-contacting electrostatic potential meter with auto-measurement of distance. 1st Internationl Symposium on Test and Measurement. Taiyan, China. 1995, 700-703
  9. 一種準確測量電荷量的儀器. 第十屆全國靜電學術會議並收入《靜電》,1995, (3): 42-45
  10. 靜電非導體板..小引燃面積的研究. 第十屆全國靜電學術會議並收入《靜電》1995, (3): 20-21
  11. 靜電放電(ESD)人體模型的研究.第四屆全國電磁相容學會(EMC-96,蘇州, 中國科學技術學會舉辦,)收入該會論文集: 中國鐵道出版社, 1996. 238-242
  12. 固體起電理論. 第12屆全國靜電會議宣讀. 1996
  13. 人體靜電電容測試技術. 第八屆全國測試學會交流並收入《測試學報》. 1996, 10: (2,3) 673-678
  14. 靜電放電(ESD)人體模型的研究. 全國第四屆電磁相容學術會,並收入該論文集. 1996
  15. 靜電放電(ESD)模型的分析與研究. 第七屆中國物理學會靜電會交流並收入《靜電基礎與應用》大連理工大學出版社, 1996
  16. 經典靜電史與現代靜電技術. 物理, 1997, 26(1):55-60
  17. 紡織品靜電場衰減的數值計算與實驗研究. 中國紡織大學學報, 1997, 23(4):26-31
  18. 離子注入R-PVC材料靜電性能研究. 微細加工技術, 1997, (3):60-65
  19. 典型電磁危害源分析及無線電引信電磁輻照效應的實驗研究: [博士學位論文] . 1997,06
  20. 靜電學發展. 靜電, 1997, (1): 51-56
  21. Effects of Electrostatic Discharge on Human Body.3rd International conference on Applied Electrostatics (ICAES), Shanghai, China. 1997, 330-333(上海:第三屆國際靜電學術會)
  22. Experiment Investigation of the field radiated by Human Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) 3rd International conference on Applied Electrostatics (ICAES), Shanghai, China.1997, 345-348 (上海:第三屆國際靜電學術會)
  23. On the Measurement of Human Body Capacitance. 3rd International conference on Applied Electrostatics (ICAES), Shanghai, China.1997, 264-267 (上海:第三屆國際靜電學術會)
  24. The Influence of Inductance on the ESD Current by Numerical Computation. 3rd International conference on Applied Electrostatics (ICAES), Shanghai, China, 1997,349-352 (上海:第三屆國際靜電學術會)
  25. Experiments of ion implanted technique to reduce the surface resistivity of Polyvinyl Chloride. 25th Annual Electrostatic Society of America Conference, Athens, Georgia, USA,1997 (美國:第25屆美國靜電學會年會)
  26. Calculation and Experimentation on the cross-over phenomenon for the film dielectric materials. 5th International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials. Seoul.1997
  27. The investigation of ESD charge transfers from charged insulator and the safety electrostatic potential. 32nd IEEE IAS Annual Meeting,New Orleans, Louisiana, USA,1997
  28. Measurements of Body Impedance for ESD. 1997 EOS/ESD Symposium Proceeding.Santa Clara, CA, USA. pp.132-134 (美國: 1997年國際靜電放電協會年會)
  29. Why the Human Body Capacitance is so Large? 1997 EOS/ESD Symposium Proceeding.Santa Clara, CA, USA. pp.135-138 (美國: 1997年國際靜電放電協會年會)
  30. ESD、HPM、UWB對無線電引信電磁輻照效應的研究. 北京特種機電技術研究所博士學術報告會. 1998.09
  31. 人體靜電放電輻射電場的實驗研究及結果分析. 北京特種機電技術研究所第九次青年學術交流. 1998
  32. 靜電放電(ESD)對人體的影響. 第四屆全國人-機-環學術會. 江西,九江. 1999.見:人-機-環境系統工程研究進展(第四卷),海軍出版社, 1999北京,228~231
  33. 靜電放電輻射瞬態電場的模型與實驗研究 1999
  34. Measurement of Transient Electromagnetic Field Radiated by Electrostatic Discharge. IEEE-IM, AUTOTESTCON'99, San Antonio, Texas, USA, Aug.30-Sep.2, 1999, p.265-268 (1999年,美國:國際電氣與電子工程師協會-測量)
  35. The Measurement of Electrostatic Capacitance of Human Body. The fourth international conference on electronic measurement and instruments. ICEMI'99,Fourth International Conference on Electronic Measurement & Instruments, Harbin, China, August18-21, 1999.
  36. 強電磁輻射與電子對抗 .見:中國電子學會第十一屆電子對抗學術年會.  見:中國電子學會電子對抗分會第十一屆學術年會論文集(上)解放軍電子工程學院出版,30-34,1999. 
  37. 電腦操作中靜電放電(ESD)電磁干擾(EMI)問題的研究. 中國物理學會第八屆靜電學術年會,西安. 1999 . 08 見:馬峰主編,現代靜電科學技術研究, 西安出版社, 157-160
  38. Internet網上靜電資訊資源簡介. 中國物理學會第八屆靜電學術年會,西安. 1999 . 08  見:馬峰主編,現代靜電科學技術研究, 西安出版社, 51-54
  39. 人體靜電放電輻射電場的實驗研究及結果分析. 北京特種機電技術技術研究所學報1999 (2):
  40. 靜電放電輻射瞬態電場的研究北京特種機電技術研究所學報, 2000(1),67-71
  41. The Signal Processing of the UWB on the Radio Fuse.  EUROEM2000,Euro Electromagnetics, 30May~2 June 2000, Scotland, UK
  42. 電腦操作中靜電放電產生的電場和磁場問題研究, 物理,2000(10):620-622
  43. An Ultra Wide Band Test System to Test the Transient Electric Fields and Magnetic Fields Generated by Electrostatic Discharge (ESD). The Fifth International Symposium on Antennas. Propagation, and EM Theory Beijing, China, Aug.15-18,2000, ISAP2000,pp626-629 (北京: 第五次天線、傳播和電磁理論國際學術年會)
  44. Experimental Investigation of Electromagnetic Field Radiated by Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) from Human Body, Sept.26-28, 2000, California, USA
  45. The Test of Electromagnetic Field Radiated by Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) from the Real Charged Human Body in the Office. 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Environmental. Shanghai, China, May 4-6, 2000 (第二屆亞太地區電磁環境學術會)
  46. 防靜電鞋、導電鞋標準測量方法探討.第九次全國靜電學術會.2000.08.20
  47. GHz帶寬數位示波器與VXI組成的 靜電放電輻射場自動測試系統.第九次全國靜電學術會.2000.08.20
  48. 靜電放電輻射磁場的測試技術研究.第九次全國靜電學術會.2000.08.20
  49. 大慶射孔彈廠靜電綜合治理方法.第九次全國靜電學術會.2000.08.20
  50. 基於VXI測試平臺的軟體發展結構框架.測試技術學報,2000,14,pp818-821
  51. The Measurement And Analysis of Fuse Radiated By Strong Electromagnetic Pulse of Different Durations,ISTM/2001第四次國際測試會議),2001.06.1-3,  Shanghai, China. 
  52. The study of the bandwidth of the test system of Electromagnetic Field Radiated by Electrostatic Discharge.ISTM/2001第四次國際測試會議), 2001.06.1-3, Shanghai, China.
  53. Application of Wide Band Pulse Test System in the Measurement of Transient Electromagnetic Field Generated by Electrostatic Discharge (ESD).ISTM/2001第四次國際測試會議),2001.06.1-3, Shanghai, China.
  54. Test and Analysis of Triggering Effect of HPM Radiation on Radio Fuses.ISTM/2001第四次國際測試會議),2001.06.1-3, Shanghai, China. 
  55. The study of ringing problems of the waveform for the test of ESD-fields. The 4th international conference on applied electrostatics, 2001, Oct.8-12, Dalian, China. pp.108-111
  56. Testing research of electrostatic sensitivity of the machine model(MM) initiating explosive device. The 4th international conference on applied electrostatics, 2001, Oct.8-12, Dalian, China. pp.199-202
  57. A new method to protect rocket ammunitions against ESD. The 4th international conference on applied electrostatics, 2001, Oct.8-12, Dalian, China. pp.215-217
  58. The study of transient fields generated by typical ESD models. The 4th international conference on applied electrostatics, 2001, Oct.8-12, Dalian, China. pp.585-588
  59. Electromagnetic field generated by transient electrostatic discharges(ESD) from person charged with low electrostatic voltage. 23rd EOS/ESD Symposium, Portland, Oregon,USA. Sep. 10-14, 2001. pp.415-418



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